Format: Digi CD
Release Date: 17.09.2012
Country: USA
Genre: Symphonic Funeral Doom
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The third album of The Howling Void takes the listeners from the aerial and weightless previous album to the earth depths depicted by overwhelming sounds of epic funeral doom metal. Unique sound of the band is still magically attractive, its style is still recognizable; but this time heavy guitars combined with atmospheric keyboards bring the sense of moonless nights severity, ice cold breath of dungeons and deserted landscapes. «The Womb Beyond The World», the album, the journey, the phenomenon.
The cover artwork features another masterpiece of Russian art of 19th century, Nikolai Ge’s painting «Conscience. Judas» which figuratively reveals the album concept: gloom, desolation, and despair.
The album comes as a limited edition digipack.
1. The Womb Beyond The World
2. The Silence Of Centuries End
3. Lightless Depths
4. Eleleth
SP. 066-12 Astral Sleep – Visions
Format: CD
Release Date: 15.10.2012
Country: Finland
Genre: Doom Death Metal
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The new album from Finnish doom death metal band Astral Sleep demonstrates brilliant skills of musicians which have reached higher level. Four tracks, almost an hour in length, create magnificent visions featuring rich color palette. The group operates with epic riffs, graceful acoustic interludes, harsh guitar strokes pierced with excellent melodies and diverse vocals. Preserving their original style familiar by the previous albums the musicians succeed to combine doom death metal with traditional epic doom metal in a single perfect works with carefully mastered sound. «Visions» is the album for thoughtful listening, the music for those who is able to perceive.
1. The Towers
2. Channel Sleep
3. Visions
4. …They All Await Me When I Break The Shackles Of Flesh
Format: CD
Release Date: 12.11.2012
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Gothic Doom Death Metal
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Another brilliant debut from a young Ukrainian band suiting tastes of fans of various doom metal substyles. Amily mix harmoniously doom death metal, gothic doom metal, and funeral doom metal adding a part of theirs souls into the music. «To All in Graves» is, first of all, melody framed with darkness, and sublime orchestral keyboards referring to neoclassical music. It is worth to mention that basing of the genre traditions the musicians created their own harmonic world which is ready to accept anyone who is able to open his heart and feel it.
1. Endless Exequies
2. Fading Image Of My Own
3. Renaissance Day
4. Daydreams Of Peeled Wallflower
5. Under The Black Voile
6. Winds Of Culmination
7. Rejected Cells
8. Forever Cold
9. To All In Graves
10. Funeral Of Love
SP. 068-12 Doomed – In My Own Abyss
Format: CD
Release Date: 12.12.2012
Country: Germany
Genre: Death Doom Metal
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The second in the band history (and the first officially released) long-awaited album by a German project Doomed. «In My Own Abyss» presents uncompromising doom death metal of highest purity, harsh and aggressive, but featuring skillful arrangements which make this work complex and force a listener to play it again and again. At the same time the last track of the album present and outstanding in its depth, purity and force cover version of famous Russian traditional folk song «Oh You, Wide Steppe…»! And, of course, composer talent and excellent work of the only member of the band, Pierre Laube, as well as powerful and clean sound of the album are worth mentioning, finally making this Doomed release a classic one.
1. Downward
2. Alone We Stand
3. The Ancient Path
4. A Wall Of Your Thrones
5. Restless
6. Leave
7. Oh You, Wide Steppe…
BMM. 055-12 Aut Mori – Pervaja Sleza Oseni
Format: CD
Release Date: 29.10.2012
Country: Russia
Genre: Gothic Doom Metal
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The debut full-length album of Aut Mori will become another discovery for fans of gothic doom metal in the vein of Draconian. Here melodic guitars are embracing transparent keyboards giving life to autumn breath, while female vocals tragically follow male growls and romantic spleen is flowing with the first cold rain. It is enough to hear “The First Tear of Autumn” and let the first drop of the autumn rain to hit you palm as the world will show you its different side, slightly sad, but enchanting and beautiful. The album is prepared with assistance of . Jerry Torstensson (Draconian) who recorded drum parties, and mastered sound at the DeadDogFarmStudio (Sweden). The album features artwork by Roman Kamin (Revelations of Rain, Wine FromTears, Tribute To Thergothon).
1. Pervaja Sleza Oseni
2. Moja Pesnja – Tishina
3. Nebo
4. Prowaj
5. Moj Vechnyj Dozhd’
6. Zhdi
7. Jelegija Bezmjatezhnosti
8. Na Scene Osen’
BMM. 056-12 My Indifference To Silence – Horizon Of My Heaven
Format: CD
Release Date: 26.11.2012
Country: Russia
Genre: Dark Doom Death Metal
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The new album by Vladimir Andreev known by his main band, Revelations of Rain. Due to some reasons he has changed the name of the band from On The Edge Of The Netherrealm to My Indifference To Silence, however, he continued the development of ideas being started at the debut album. The album presents death/doom metal with a touch of dark metal close to music of Daylight Dies and Novembre. «Horizon Of My Heaven» is a harmonic combination of harsh metal with lyric component featuring solid sound and rich arrangements.
1. Decline Of Your Consciousness
2. For You
3. Scream Of Despair
4. Around You
5. Your Easy Death
6. Horizon Of My Heaven
7. Falling Stars
8. I Lost Myself
9. We’re All On The Other Side
Mournful Gust – Sleeping With My Name (Single)
Format: Digital
Release Date: 18.11.2012
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Gothic Doom Metal
The first CD-single in the history of the band is preceding the forthcoming new album. Mournful Gust presents absolutely new composition with exclusive arrangements which is different from the album version. “Sleeping With My Name” performed in the best traditions of gothic doom metal continues the line of the previous album “The Frankness Eve” which got very positive response from listeners and critics. The musicians also paid tribute to the great vocalist Ronnie James Dio by a sensual cover-version of “Rainbow Eyes” song by Rainbow. The album features two additional remixes of the title composition.
1. Sleeping With My Name (single version)
2. Rainbow Eyes (…in loving memory of Dio)
3. Sleeping With My Name (Xes Dreams remix)
4. Sleeping With My Name (Bejalane & G_m remix)
Somnus Aeternus “On The Shores Of Oblivion”
Format: CD
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Dark Doom Death
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The debut album from Czech doom/death metallers Somnus Aeternus revolves around the idea of similarity (and to a certain degree interchangeability) of sleep and death and all implications of such and understanding of our existence. The musical influences of “On the Shores of Oblivion” are varied and the music itself is hard to describe in terms of traditional genre names. Doomy, yet melodic songs full of haunting atmosphere, heavy guitars, imaginative keyboards and distinctive compositions will be particularly interesting to fans of Swallow the Sun, Opeth, Saturnus, Insomnium or Arcturus. Listen to the album and experience a journey on your own shores of oblivion.
1. Withering Attachment
2. Decrepitus
3. Few More Pictures Till Death
4. Of the Bond
5. The Light at the End of the Suffering
6. A Touch of Insanity
7. Purgatorium
8. The Divine Void
9. Everything Else Is a Lie
10. Sinthesis
Solitude Prod - Russian Doom Metal Label