"Ha! Ha! Its more Peters baby than mine, to be honest...Im more like a bonus parent as they might say in Sweden. but thank You still the same.But yeah, we had a great time, and getting along with them guys was no problem. Most of us knew them since before, anyway, and I found them being very cool people. A couple of years ago, I understand that TGoS/Reverend Bizarre and Centurions Ghost did quite a long tour together, and I truly enjoyed listening to their memories."
But I guess you had a couple of stories to tell as well, but to this we will come later here. You had kind of busy year with Lord Vicar: the release of the debut album in November via Church Within Records last year, then gone on several tours including the Dawn Of Doom Festival in Switzerland, the Doom Shall Rise and Hell's Pleasure OA in Germany, now the shows with TGOS. How did you experience the last year, kept your level of fitness and managed family business alongside? You're no kitten anymore, ha ha!
That's just the way it is. But I think there are many outside, including me, who really appreciate you w/Lord Vicar and other underground bands making music in their kind of rare spare time and pleasing us with remarkable Doom stuff.

As everybody should know Lord Vicar is originated in Finland, but you are a citizen of Sweden. How do you manage rehearsing and meeting over those distances?
"...Careful planning and a 12-hour ferry ride! Good thing it doesn’t happen that often, though. You see, there’s like absolutely nothing to do on those trips save from drinking and I try hard not to every time, with minor success I should add. Flying only takes an hour or two, so I should probably look into that as an option in future. It’s much easier on the liver if nothing else!"
So you should do, and your liver arrives some hours later, who cares. Maybe you tell us about the future plans with Lord Vicar, the 2nd album, upcoming tours etc.
"In December we will rehearse some new songs for possible single split releases. In February we will play at the Hammer Of Doom III Festival in Würzburg, and I guess a couple of gigs to coincide with that event. Can’t tell You where or when though since they aren´t confirmed just yet. Keep an eye open for advertisements, folks! And after that we start rehearsals for the next album I reckon, entitled 'Signs Of Osiris'."
Thanks a lot for this awesome news. Then we will definitely see again at Hammer Of Doom III Festival where you will share the stage with the mighty Saint Vitus! By the way, it's somewhat like a family meeting. Please remember the time you joined Saint Vitus, how did this happen?
"Well, for me it was a fucking dream come true, and I will be the first one to admit it. So, in what must have been about halfway through the recording of the second Count Raven album, "Destruction Of The Void", I read somewhere that Wino had left the band. I had by then gotten to know Messiah Marcolin from Candlemass through Matz Ekstroem, and Messiah and myself were the biggest fans of Saint Vitus in Sweden back then, as far as I know anyway. Our record company then asked me to contact him and ask him if he would be interested in going over there to join them, as he wasn´t in Candlemass anymore. But he already had other plans, so they asked me to go instead. I was not comfortable with the situation in Count Raven at this time, and I was actually about to leave them anyway in favour of PENANCE, who I had some correspondence with there for a while. It never happened, as I was too flattered and tempted by the chance to join one of my absolute favourite bands at the time, so I just went for it...Imagine that! I remember our very first song during rehearsal was "Prayer For The (M)asses", and how could I EVER forget?! Time stood still and I truly F**KING LOVED every second of it! And so I ended up being with them for some three and a half years from then on. It was a true adventure, I learnt a great deal from them guys and that whole period of my life gave me a lot of fun memories. It will be great to check them out in February, and I am also very much looking forward to meet Mark again. When LORD VICAR played the DOOM SHALL RISE festival earlier this year, Wino came to our backstage to say hello. It was great to see him and he has always been cool to me."
But you're definitely a part of their history. Can you still stand listening to your vocal part on "Children Of Doom" (1992), as it sounds kind of different compared to your usual style of singing?
"I never listen to it. As it was, Dave would not have me singing the way I did naturally, because of the obvious Ozzy-comparison I reckon, and it lead me to become really distant to myself and uncomfortably insecure in general. It puzzles me as he obviously knew how I sounded like already, you know? But this is all history now, and I rarely think of it these days, except while given the question during interviews! Ha! ha! In all fairness, I have to say I have moved on a long time ago and I have no problems with him personally today. Sheesh, all this happened when? Some 20 years ago now! And throughout the years I have had a lot of people telling me that they really like it and that it is truly underrated in their opinion, which is fine by me, you know, I’m just not objective enough to feel the same. And for hardcore Vitus fans who dislikes it I reckon it´s very easy to point at the vocals as the main reason why it sounds the way it does. Of course, I’m nothing but a sitting duck in that aspect. But from what I can recall of the production itself it’s very different from "Die Healing", for example, which is more what I was after in the first place. But it was never up to me and it is what it is."
...And it will always be! At what point did you generally develop your wish and ability to sing, and I don't speak of squeaking "Da, da, da..." while having a shower, but of those traditional Metal/Doom style vocals you're kind of famous for?

Of course, I dig his voice as well. "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" is still one of the biggest releases in Doom history, mainly "Solitude" is such an amazing song causing goose bumps when listening. But I would for god's sake never wish to harm any people with my awful singing voice - it's quite bad, but loud at least! If you had the job to introduce any newcomer to your career, which album of every band having been involved would you recommend and why?
"COUNT RAVEN - "High On Infinity". When I heard it the first time i actually regretted leaving them there for a minute. The overall sound and the songs on there are really good. A fantastic album.
SAINT VITUS - "Mournful Cries". Again, for the sound and the songs on there. Looking Glass, Shooting Gallery, Dragontime...awh, man! The solos in that song, where they are taking turns like that is just pure genius!
TERRA FIRMA - Both the self titled first one and "Harms Way". Sorry, this is not what You wanted but I could not possibly choose just one of them! I love them both just as much. That band and the music we created together marked such a clear turning point in my life. And had You asked me of an era instead of one from each band I’ve been involved in, I would have said this band.
LORD VICAR - "Fear No Pain". Obviously I’m proud of it and very happy I was asked to participate in this constellation. Gotta love the guys involved, and how much more Doom than this can it get? Feel free to ask me again when next album is recorded! Ha! ha!"
As I know you've several times been trying to and now run another band besides LORD VICAR. This one is called WEEKEND BEAST! Who is it metaphorically and in person?

So, just to correct my introducing question, the WEEKEND BEAST is your real baby as it was given birth by you. "Skooma Und Panzerwagen" is quite a strange album title. How do those things come together, kind of psychoactive warfare?
"Yeah, guess you can say that. "Skooma" Is taken from the Fantasy RPG "Morrowind", whom both Nicky and I are huge fans of. In the game there is an illegal potion by that name, with drug like effects. We just added "...Und Panzerwagen" because it’s cool, and very Heavy Metal."
Yes indeed! But some guys may be bothered by this, kind of provocative as well, isn't it?
"Why? Because it involves a fictional illegal drug option and tanks are mentioned in German? Well, I wouldn’t be surprised....Sheesh, it’s just Stoner!"
Obviously, I just wanted to know! Who's actually the main song writer in WEEKEND BEAST?
"We have this riffing machine on guitar named Nicky, you see. He just keeps spitting out good stuff at rehearsals and we all elaborate around that. If there is one specific songwriter in the band, I suppose he is the man worthy the title. He just makes the rest of us go off in a variety of musical fireworks! We have so much fun at rehearsals, and the quantity of beer might contribute aswell. It´s a very nice genuine and laidback feeling when we meet. I am very happy with the way things are developing. And I have come up with some of my best vocal melodies as of yet, in my own humble opinion.""
Sounds promising so far, guess there will run two fine releases over us next year, of LORD VICAR and WEEKEND BEAST! Let's now play this childish game: You had been seperated on that lonesome isle and could take just three things of every of the following categories with you! Which albums are worth it?
"I guess ROBIN TROWER - "Bridge Of Sighs", THE MARS VOLTA - "De-Loused In The Comatorium", KATE BUSH - "Hounds Of Love"."
I wouldn`t have thought, but you have to survive! Which three persons would you like to have around you to sweeten the isolation?
"Kate Bush, Tori Amos and whoever’s on page three in The Sun tomorrow. They still have that, by the way! If not, the woman known as The Perverted Old Goatess on Myspace. And as much as I love him I suppose I should’ve said my son here, but that would not be fair - he´d have nowhere to go when his parent rebellion phase comes!"
That's true, sustaining puberty on that isle would be kind of dreadful. Since there would come the time you have to share Kate, Tori or the Goatess as well, ha ha, to say nothing of unavoidable turf wars! Which three tools do you definitely need there?
"I Know, Huh? And He Looks Better Than Me Already! ...A hammer, A saw, and a tire wrench!"
The saw I understand, but a hammer and that tire wrench?
"…to open the coconuts. The tire wrench just to figure out how it may be useful."

"Yeah... if I was on a deserted isle with the women mentioned I would throw that tirewrench as far away as I possible could! Thank you for the conversation, Good Man and See all You Shiny Doomy People in February! Ta - ta!"