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7. April 2009

Curse The Sun (Interview)

I recently stepped over CURSE THE SON listening to EGB’s last „Droning Earth“ compilation no. 23. With their song “Pulsator Bringer” there is offered a devastating piece of slow and low tuned Doom, in my opinion the one and only addicting piece on this release. Ron kindly spent some time answering my questions:

Maybe you first introduce Curse The Son to anybody never heard before of you. What ever we should know about…

Ron: Well, I put the band together in the spring of 2008. Cheech(Bass) and I have been playing together in various bands for a long time, and we found Charles(Drums) in an online ad. We were very lucky to find him, because there aren't many people in our area who want to play slow.

What do you generally think about Curse The Son entering a compilation like “Droning Earth”? How did this cooperation happen? Any resonances so far?

Ron: I think it is great, and I really appreciate them helping us get some more exposure. They contacted me and specifically asked for "Pulsotar Bringer"....I thought that was really cool. Our site has certainly been more active since we got on that comp. It is important to me that people HEAR the music.....there are a lot of bands out there and it is easy to get overlooked!

“Pulsator Bringer” is an outtake from your upcoming EP called “Globus Hystericus” that will be released on April 15th. Please tell us about this release!

Ron: "Globus Hystericus" is a self-released CD. This is our introduction to the world of stoner/doom fans. It is 2 songs from a session last April, and 2 from this past summer. I know that people like to download, and thats fine, but a CD always sound better, so we will be selling them for $4 shipped anywhere in the world.

There is a full-length release planned to bring up later this year too, isn’t it? What can one expect?

Ron: The new stuff that we are writing is coming along great. As a group we are really starting to settle in. The music is very heavy....there will not be some radical departure from our established style. If you like the songs you've already heard, then you are going to love the new stuff. We are about halfway there, in terms of the writing. Go in to record in a few months. It will probably be out next fall.

Who is featuring your releases, any label yet?

Ron: As of yet we are not a signed band......we are hoping to change that very soon.

What are Curse The Son’s musical influences when creating songs? You’re all digging Sleep stuff I guess?

Ron: Well, I do love Sleep but when I'm writing riffs....I don't really try to emulate someone. Generally it's more about cranking the Laney, and just letting it happen. I don't really hear the riffs in my head anymore...I used to. Now I just put the guitar on and sometimes great shit happens, and sometimes it's junk.

What are your personal faves when listening to music, just Doom?

Ron: No, I listen to all types of metal. As far as Doom goes, Sabbath is the band that got me on this path. They are the holy grail for me. I also listen to Witchfinder General, Sleep, Goatsnake, COC, Trouble, Electric Wizard, Solitude Aeturnus......,but I also like Slayer, Priest, Motorhead, AC/DC, and a lot of old school thrash metal.

What are in your opinion the most important bands/albums ever been released?

Ron: Black Sabbath's "Master Of Reality", and "Sabotage".

Who is mainly responsible for the song writing? How could we imagine a Curse The Son’s song evolve?

Ron: On the early stuff, it was basically me writing all the parts, but now the music we're making is a result of us jamming as a is a very cool process and we are enjoying it immensely.

There is a tragical story connecting Curse The Son’s history directly with the band Sufferghost. Would you be so kind to tell us?

Ron: Sufferghost had just finished recording our debut CD. Soon after our guitar player, Anthony Buhagiar suffered a burst aneurism in his heart. Due to complications he was left paraplegic. We all were devastated, we had worked so hard, and were really beginning to get a buzz going. After a long recovery time he picked up his guitar again and has since moved back to his hometown of Hayward,CA, he is playing in the band Burn Theeee Insects....I miss him terribly.

How did this event influence your thinking about life, friendship and making music?

Ron: When this all happened it was just unreal. It was impossible to even imagine...I believe he died on the operating table a few times. I can still remember the night his wife called me and told me what happened. I was destroyed. I stopped playing music immediately, had no interest or desire. My will was gone, my friend and brother Tone was never gonna come to my house to jam ever again. I did not want to play with anyone but him. A couple months passed and me and him were just talking about music. He told me to get out there and play. That I needed to play, and he was right. It makes you appreciate your time here a honestly never do know what is going to happen from one day to the next.

What is to be told about Sufferghost itself? Will it raise again?

Ron: We will be releasing the CD "Thaw" eventually. It is just to good to let go to waste. We want people to hear it. Tony being on the west coast, and us being on the east coast will make it tough to bring it back, but you never know. It would be awesome to play a show as Sufferghost.

Doom of any kind is and has always been underground, whether there is a living online scene meanwhile and a couple of events happening worldwide at this time. What do you prognosticate for the genre’s future and where do you see Curse The Son within the next years?

Ron: Honestly it's almost like you don't want to see the scene get to big, because as we all know, once a particular style of metal becomes BIG it gets shitty pretty fast. Bunch of trendy bands will slow down, and then it's over. I like the fact that stoner/doom or whatever you want to call it is a true underground thing. It reminds me of when I was a kid and the underground was where all the good shit was. Metallica, Slayer, Celtic Frost, Dark Angel, Destruction, you felt like you were a part of something special. There was all this great music happening, and it was our little secret. As far as where I see Curse the Son going....I've learned over the years that this is a hard business, it kicks your ass mentally..but I do hope that the next couple years for us will be a success!

Has the Doom scene to fear a commercial sellout as it's been happening to Black and Death Metal?

Ron: I don't think it could be possible. A lot of people just don't get the slow aspect of the music. This music is certainly more of a spiritual thing than anything else. So no, I don't fear a commercial sellout.

Is there a chance of meeting Curse The Son on European roads? What would be your dream package to be a part of?

Ron: I would love to play Europe. I have never been over there. Maybe someday, if we get some good tour support it would happen. How about Curse the Son opening, Witchfinder General(with Zeeb), Electric Wizard, Sleep, and then Sabbath headlines and destroys the universe!!

Where to get Curse The Son’s releases for anybody digging your stuff as I do?

Ron: You can contact us at, or email me directly at core9a@netscape.netDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, du musst Javascript aktivieren, damit du sie sehen kannst .

I wish you all the best and hope to hear a lot from Curse The Son in the future! Any last words?

Ron: First I would like to thank you Sven for this opportunity, and for asking some great questions.
"Globus Hystericus" will be available in a few weeks.... word of mouth is the key to a bands existence if you dig our tunes, play them for your friends, and tell them to check out our site.


Curse The Son - HOMEPAGE

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