Bell Witch is a minimalist doom duo from Seattle comprised of drummer Adrian Guerra and bassist Dylan Desmond (of Samothrace fame). Uniquely sorrowful, Bell Witch is as much akin to Skepticism as they are to Codeine. Longing is an hour and 10 minutes of doomed desolation, sadness, and sorrow. Originally released on CD and digital formats by Profound Lore Records, Longing was one of the most important doom albums of 2012 featured on numerous year end lists.
Longing will be released as a gatefold double album with thick, old-style case wrapped jackets and comes with a gatefold insert. Comes on both black vinyl and limited red vinyl. Red vinyl is limited to 300 copies. This should ship in March but delays are always possible.
You can view new artwork created specifically for the vinyl version of this release by artist Bryan Proteau below. More images can be viewed here.
We have opened an eBay account to raise money for the horde of approaching releases. Deafheaven / Bosse-de-Nage, Lycus, Coffinworm test presses are up now as well as a few out-of-print items with more coming soon. Check it out here.
Grayceon - Pearl and the End of Days LP (ships next week)
Botanist - IV: Mandragora CD
Bosse-de-Nage - iii - DLP (probably next week)
Trees - Sickness-In - LP (at press now)
Vestiges/Panopticon - Split gatefold - LP
Out Now:
Deafheaven/Bosse-de-Nage - split LP (pink copies added to store)
Worm Ouroboros - Come the Thaw DLP