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2. Juni 2013

Blind Date Records: Release update for Sludge lovers

date#25: Shadow of the Torturer / Ghost of Wem - split LP

This split serves heavy pounding, apocalyptic Sludge hymns of Seattle based SOTT and Germany's GOST OF WEM.

date#26: Fistula - "Hymns of Slumber" LP

"This is FISTULA's debut album, originally released on Shifty Records on CD in 2001. Now, more than a decade later available on vinyl. Nihilistic,, primitive Sludge. A thick, filthy, blackened crawl, howled demonic vox over caustic riffage and neanderthal drumming."

date#27: Shadow of the Torturer - "Dronestown" LP

"SOTT has maintained a very sludgy heavy presence in Death Metal and Doom whilst maintaning melodic and often mournful and frightening soundsscapes."

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