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17. Juli 2013

DYLAN CARLSON: October solo tour & exclusive EARTH festival appearance

Expanding on the far-reaching folkloric explorations of drcarlsonalbion’s solo tour of last year, the totemic figure and his celebrated guitar will be bolstered by the accompaniment of Rogier Smal on drums for a forthcoming tour of Europe.

Incorporating free playing whilst maintaining the sublime recurrent elements Dylan Carlson is known far, Rogier Smal (Dagora, Marshall Allen, Mick Pontius) brings his singly unique and drumming capabilities to the heady mix.

The duo will be playing material from a split 7” released in conjuction with the tour, as well as expanding and elongating material from drcarlsonablion’s recent Hackney Lass and Latitudes series releases.

Additionally, EARTH will be playing an exclusive show at Unsound Festival in Krakow, Poland, on October 19th, alongside Monolake, King Midas Sound, Eyvind Kang and Altar of Plagues amongst others. The lineup for this show is composed of Dylan Carlson (guitar), Adrienne Davies (drums) and Bill Herzog (Bass). In other Earth news, there is a new album in the pipeline, with further details to arrive in good time.


27th September – Amsterdam, Occii
28th September – Bielefeld, Ajz
29th September – Copenhagen, Jazzhouse
1st October – Oslo, Revolver
2nd October – Gothenburg, Nefertiti
3rd October – Aalborg, 1000Fryd
4th October – Berlin, Jagerklause
5th October – Munich, Feierwerk
6th October – Karlsruhe, Jubez
7th October – Vienna, Arena
8th October – Bologna, Freakout Club
9th October – Lausanne, Le Bourg
10th October – Zurich, Bogen-f
11th October – Metz, Les Trinitaires
12th October – Hasselt, Kunstencentrum Belgie
13th October – Paris, Instants Chavires

19th October – Krakow, Unsound Festival
Find footage of drcarlsonalbion's prior tour at this link:

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