"Das ist wahre Größe - aufhören, wenn man alles gesagt hat! Das verdient höchsten Respekt und ist vorbildlich für so manchen im Musik-Business! CATHEDRAL haben Maßstäbe im Doom gesetzt, mich 23 Jahre begleitet und sind Schuld an meiner Obsession, ich verneige mich in Doom-Ehrfurcht!" - Sven Mihlan, DOOM METAL FRONT
And lo, Lee Dorrian, mouthpiece of CATHEDRAL for 23 years, doth solemnly intone the death rites of this mighty British metal Titan. Born in the dying days of Thatcher's Britain, bonding over then-unfashionable, obscure names like Saint Vitus, Pentagram, Trouble and Dream Death, CATHEDRAL s sole ambition was to record a demo tape. In fact they revolutionised doom metal, first pushing their influences into new avenues of grinding extremity, then pioneering groovier forms of '70s-indebted stoner doom.

They've remained a reassuring and singular presence in our lives, building a rabid following worldwide with their wholly distinctive blend of rollicking British heavy metal, true doom, 70s hard rock, psych-folk, mad prog and spiky crust-punk. There was a worrying hiatus between 2005 and 2010 when some dared to wonder if Cathedral were coming back at all - but they re-emerged with 'The Guessing Game', an overflowing treasure chest of weird and wonderful goodies exploring new, bold variations on their craft. So when news came that Cathedral really were approaching the Endtyme, it was a shock.
"Announcing that we were splitting way in advance of recording 'The Last Spire' gave us time to adjust to the fact that the end really was in sight. This took a lot of the pressure off off us, as it meant that we no longer had anything to prove and could make this album purely on our own terms, especially by releasing it through Rise Above." - Lee Dorrian
CATHEDRAL - The Last Spire
Rise Above / SoulfoodVeröffentlichung/Release: 26.04.2013