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Doom Observer

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30. Oktober 2013

DMF Malta Diary, Final Episode: Landed in good cold Germany!!!

Hi Doom mates,

we have just right now landed savely at airport Frankfurt, remembering the great time on Malta, which will never be forgotten, especially the hospitable and friendly people we have met at the most southern Doom event of Europe - the great MALTA DOOM METAL FESTIVAL.

Our last day on the isle was nothing but awesome as Dino, the percussionist of VICTIMS OF CREATION, took us on a ride with his car to his personal favourite places like the Dingli Cliffs not far away from the Buskett Roadhouse, which was the venue of the festival or the Golden Beach. This whole trip was worth every second. The MALTA DOOM METAL FESTIVAL festival and every single corner of Malta is our tip when you are into great music and like to get to know wonderful regions and people. Further special thanks and Doom hails go to Albert, Glen & Rex - see you there or anywhere very soon hopefully!

Read more in the DMF issue #12. More pics HERE!!!

Sven & Florian

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