31. Oktober 2013
New albums of APHONIC THRENODY and THACLTHI on Avantgarde Music
APHONIC THRENODY - „First Funeral“
A new funeral doom project created by yet experienced musicians from Uk and Italy, APHONIC THRENODY debuts on the market with this “First Funeral” CD, reminding us of the best peaks of ESOTERIC's earlier career, but also EVOKEN, NOVEMBERS DOOM, MOURNFUL CONGREGATION and early MY DYING BRIDE. A record that will make happy anybody into slow-paced early 90s doom/death with growld vocals!
Aphonic Threnody feature members from doom wizards like PANTHEIST, GALLOW GOD, LEECHER URNA and DEA MARICA, all of them with several records already released.
1. The Threnody
2. Eyes Light Faded Aaway
3. Life Calls Death
4. Hollow
...and then to bones and dust again, resurrecting the sulphureous past of doom/death mammoths like Disembowelment and (early) Unholy, with a weird experimental and ritualistic revision born from the wounds of their sinister taste for projects like Popol Vuh, Klaus Schulze, Lycia and Paul Chain (to name a few), Avantgarde Music presents their next coming release:
T H A C L T H I - „…Erat Ante Oculos"
A band with no names, no faces and no past. They came "in silence" (as their name means, from the Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis, in Etruscan language) and in a distressing silence they leave us after 53 minutes of hallucinating sonic violence.
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