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21. November 2012

Doom Metal Front gives SAINT VITUS & ESOTERIC full albums away for FREE!!!

With friendly support of the French label Season Of Mist we proudly give full products of american doom legend SAINT VITUS and funeral monster ESOTERIC from England away for free!!!

3 x SAINT VITUS "Lillie: F-65" full CD album, jewel case version
3 x ESOTERIC "Paragon of Dissonance" full double CD album, jewel case version

Just answer the following question & send an EMAIL with the subject "DOOM RAFFLE"
to info[at]

What was Dave Chandler's job in the years from 1995 to 2000?

The winners will be drawn according to the random principle after the closing deadline for Emails, which is on the 21st of November 2012.

The answer can be found in the interview, we have done with SAINT VITUS in Doom Metal Front #9 (printed & digital edition)!

If you haven't yet, order Doom Metal Front #9 here:

Only Emails including the correct answer and private persons take part!
It is NOT ALLOWED to sell the won items afterwards!

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