17. September 2013
ISAAK: Professional gang entered the band's rehearsal studio and stole the whole property - YOU CAN HELP!
In einer Nacht- und Nebel-Aktion gelang es professionellen Dieben sämtliches Equipment der Band zu rauben. "Das Schloss wurde geknackt, die Türen schwer beschädigt und sie ließen nichts übrig", so berichtete die Band.
Aber Schwarz-Malen gehört nicht zu den Stärken von ISAAK, darum haben sie selbst schon Alles, was an finanziellen Mitteln noch übrig war investiert, damit das neue Album, das planmäßig im Herbst 2014 auf Smallstone erscheinen soll, fertig werden kann.
Alleine ist das allerdings nicht zu schaffen, daher bittet die Band um Mithilfe ihrer Fans und ruft zum Crowdfunding auf. Hier der Link:
Nachfolgend die offizielle Mitteilung der Band an Presse, Fans, Freunde und Supporter:
"Try to imagine walking down to your rehearsal, thinking about the riffs, building the songs of your new record… then you realize something bad in the air: arrived the rehearsal you discover nothing more has left…"
This is the official first statement after a professional gang entered ISAAK's rehearsal studio and stole the whole property of the band: cabinets, mixers, guitars, bass, drums ...everything.
“Lock broken, doors damaged and your whole life... empty. That's what no-one should experience. It's like your whole life disappeared over night”, says the band again. “This was the place we focused our ideas and wrote for the new album, tentative schedule for Small Stone Records fall 2014.“ ISAAK spent a horrible week while watching video and foto recording made by the police and whatever.
... We immediately spoke with Scott Hamilton, our label manager, and have had a meeting with our manager Mario Ruggeri of The Crew. We decided to react instantly. So we started investing all our money but we are still far from recoup everything”.
At this point ISAAK is 10,000$ far from its goal, and that’s the reason band decided to open a crowdfunding action.
“We thought about this and that and what could help to get back on track. So we fixed a certain amount of rewards and setted up a crowdfunding action."
You can participate here:
“This is the beginning of the beginning. We are also planning some benefit shows. Then we'll close ourselves up in the studio to write the new album. But therefore we need everybody’s help!"
But don’t worry: Isaak is stronger than ever!
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