24. September 2013
UFOMAMMUT: 15 years of existence - "Magickal Mastery Tour" starts tomorrow
From on this week, Ufomammut will excavate items from their pliocenic past, keeping their third eye pointed at the future - embarking on the 'Magickal Mastery Tour', a journey through fifteen years of Ufomammut music, performing under a new light songs from Godlike Snake to ORO, as thanksgiving to fans for their support and devotion.
As the tour draws near, Ufomammut astonish with their perfect amalgam of audio and visual psychedelics, as seen in the latest video to be unleashed. Now if this doesn't persuade you to join them, then I don't know what will!
BE MESMERISED HERE (warning, contains flashing images):
Ufomammut comment..."Only a few days to the beginning of the Magickal Mastery tour, a sonic flow that forged us, that is arising again taking a new shape inside our minds and our souls. We're totally looking forward to share our favourite songs with all of You!"
Don't forget that kings of rural metal dirge and harvesters of riffs Zolle are bringing their surplus produce on the road this Autumn with fellow countrymen Ufomammut, and they're sure to come out scythes swinging! They'll be on the road with Ufomammut on all dates between 25th September - 5th October inclusive. Here's Zolle introducing themselves as the latest conductors on the Magickal Mastery Tour:
25 sept - Arena - Vienna (A)*
26 sept - Stattwerkstatt - Linz (A)*
27 sept - Kulturpalast - Wiesbaden (D)*
28 sept - Het Depot - Leuven (B)*
29 sept - Vera - Groningen (NL)*
01 oct - The Fleece - Bristol (UK)*
02 oct - Brudenell social club - Leeds (UK)*
03 oct - The Underworld - London (UK)*
04 oct - 4AD - Diksmuide (BE)*
05 oct - Römer - Bremen (D)*
06 oct - KB18 - Copenhagen (DK)
07 oct - Blitz - Oslo (NOR)
09 oct - Luttako - Jväskyla (FIN)
10 oct - Kuudes Linja - Helsinki (FIN) with Suma
11 oct - Yo Talo - Tampere (FIN)
12 oct - Nuclear Nightclub - Oulu (FIN)
17 oct - Progresja - Warsaw (PL)
18 oct - Bii Nu - Berlin (D)
19 oct - Keep it Low Festival - Munich (D)
*all dates with Zolle in support
Tickets here:
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