21. September 2013
THE SKULL: Quality footage of debut show with original TROUBLE drummer Jeff 'Oly' Olson (Video) & album news
THE SKULL — the new band featuring original TROUBLE members vocaist Eric Wagner and drummer Jeff "Oly" Olson alongside TROUBLE's longtime bassist Ron Holzner and SACRED DAWN guitarists Michael Carpenter and Lothar Keller — peformed at Tequila Jaxx last Saturday, September 14 in Mentor-On-The-Lake, Ohio. Quality video footage filmed and edited by Ken Kitt and Kim Schleeper from Vidz R Us can be seen below. This was THE SKULL's first performance with Olson.
Olson rejoined THE SKULL last month, explaining in a statement: "I know that I've mentioned that I wouldn't perform TROUBLE's music anymore unless it's with the other original members, but I've had a change of heart. I want to rock again." Although I have been having a great time playing keys for IN-GRAVED (led by former PENTAGRAM guitarist Victor Griffin), I miss the drums and playing classic TROUBLE songs. I'm still going to jam with Victor, but there is room for THE SKULL too."
He added: "In just a few short months, 2014 will mark the 30th anniversary year for TROUBLE's debut record, 'Psalm 9'. TROUBLE guitarists Rick Wartell and Bruce Franklin are having fun with their new record, and I had fun writing some intros for it. It's just that Eric, Ron, and myself want to jam too and celebrate our 30th anniversary as well with a tour and a new record. We've worked just as hard as Bruce and Rick over the years and we feel that we've earned the privilege to celebrate with the fans as well. There is no animosity between the two bands and we intend to keep it that way."
"We are currently writing a debut record, set for release in 2014 and I've already submitted several songs to the guys. Excitement is in the air."
THE SKULL's debut CD will be produced by Billy Anderson (HIGH ON FIRE, SLEEP, NEUROSIS) this autumn in Portland, Oregon and will be released via as-yet-undetermined record label.
Eric Wagner - vocals
Jeff Olson - drums
Ron Holzner - bass
Michael Carpenter - guitar
Lothar Keller - guitar
Upcoming shows:
October 11 - Denver Doom Fest III - Three Kings Tavern - Denver, CO
October 13 - Fall Into Darkness VII - Mississippi Studios - Portland, Oregon
October 19 - Loaded Hollywood - Hollywood, CA
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