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6. Januar 2014

PYRAMIDO: Watch the official video featuring the track "År av onåd" from the latest album of the Swedish Sludge/Doom band

PYRAMIDO is known for releasing some of the heaviest Doom/Sludge music - your bones rattle in trepidation to its fearsome approach. On its latest album, "Saga" (September 2013), the band continues in its painstaking style, evoking gasps as well as poignant strains of emotions, which is truly remarkable.

What better way to start off your week than to get crushed by the oppressive yet emotive sounds of the mighty PYRAMIDO? Here's the official video featuring the track "År av onåd" from the actual album:

Video made by Dan Bengtsson and Ulf Södergren.
Colourgrade by Johan Eklund of Good Film and Post.

"There’s not a dull moment and I get thrown from the sludgiest swamps to the heaviness of traditional doom and further to depressive darkness and then when you think you can’t be thrown any further, you get hurled into a moshpit in slow motion of punk/hardcore/crust." - The Sleeping Shaman

"SAGA is a triumph on every level. I can’t recommend it highly enough." - Sludgelord

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