17. Januar 2014
Three piece juggernaut SHROUD EATER from Miami, Florida, blending Sludge, Doom and Stoner Metal on "Dead Ends"
Formed in Miami, FL in 2009, Shroud Eater is a brooding three-piece juggernaut blending sludge, doom and stoner metal riffs with gruff howls and intense tribal drumming. With comparisons to High on Fire and Kylesa, Shroud Eater have established themselves as a ferocious live act with a uniquely refreshing take on the sludge/doom genre.
This Fall, Shroud Eater will have their highly acclaimed EP "Dead Ends" released through Red Moth Records and Divine Mother Recordings. Previously released on CD format through The Path Less Traveled Records and on cassette via Primitive Violence Records, the vinyl version is available as a 300 copy run on red, gold, and random mix vinyl with a digital download code included.
Shroud Eater will also be hitting the road for a 20 date Southwest / West Coast tour in support of the vinyl release from Feb 19th - Mar 10th of 2014. Once dates are confirmed they will be posted on their page.
For ordering info:
Red Moth Records -
Divine Mother Recordings -
For band and tour info:
Shroud Eater -
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