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24. Januar 2014

HARSH TOKE launching the red hot group's unapologetic and unsophisticated psychedelic-blues into interstellar overdrive!

"Light Up And Live"

Released: 22 November 2013

Psychedelic rockers HARSH TOKE explore sound and space through music. On the San Diego acid rock band's debut album "Light Up And Live", loud, heavy guitars, swimming bass lines and smashing drums warp to full throttle, cranking insanity, working together to launch the red hot group's unapologetic and unsophisticated psychedelic-blues into interstellar overdrive. Led by ripping pro skater and rip-roaring guitarist Justin “Figgy” Figueroa, HARSH TOKE are equal parts atmospheric and anarchic, merging raging, blind fury musicianship with unprecedented white-knuckle volume abuse.

Tense and surreal, HARSH TOKE's songs slowly build from hallucinatory haze into grand overtures of noise and feedback; a cosmic buffet of pounding, pummeling and punishing as if the ocean itself belched forth ornery, astral planes of sound. Heavy. Cosmic. Kinetic. HARSH TOKE lay down sizzling grooves with every needle on the soundboard pinned to the red. If Blue Cheer could be called "Louder than God" in 1968, forty five years later, HARSH TOKE can easily be pegged as "Louder than Satan." Run for your lives – into the din.

HARSH TOKE is here! "Light Up And Live" is the highly anticipated debut album from THE hottest California Psychedelic Rock band. Get on board now before this band blows the roof off of the underground hard rock scene (and blows the doors off of every venue in America)! HUGE BUZZ already happening with these awesome amp destroyers!

HARSH TOKE features gnarly lead guitarist and pro skater Justin “Figgy” Figueroa (Shredder of the Year?). The music/skate/X Games crossover potential HARSH TOKE harnesses is a 10 on a 10 scale!

"Light Up And Live" was recorded in San Diego by Brian Ellis (also of the prog-rock band Astra) and mastered by Carl Saff (Earthless, OFF!, Unsane).

U.S. tour dates in support of Light Up And Live are expected. This band will be on tour well into 2014!

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