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12. Dezember 2013

HARK unveil cover art for 'Crystalline', which will be released worldwide in March 2014!

Welsh heavy rock power-trio HARK have finished recording their forthcoming Season of Mist debut, entitled ‘Crystalline’. The album was recorded at Monnow Valley Studios in Wales (BLACK SABBATH, RUSH, JUDAS PRIEST, PORTISHEAD), and mixed by CONVERGE guitarist Kurt Ballou (CONVERGE, HIGH ON FIRE, KVELERTAK, YOUNG WIDOWS), and will hit the stores on March 14th in Germany and the Benelux, March 17th in the UK, France, and the rest of Europe, and March 18th in North America. The cover artwork for 'Crystalline' illustrated by HARK's acclaimed graphic artist and guitarist/vocalist Jimbob Isaac (ex-TAINT) and track listing are below:

1. Palendromeda
2. Hounded By Callous Decree
3. Sins On Sleeves
4. Black Hole South West
5. Breathe and Run
6. Mythopoeia
7. Scarlet Extremities
8. All Wretch No Vomit
9. Xtal 0.6
10. Clear Light Of...

HARK has already released the 'Mythopoeia' 7” single, which they managed to sell out on tours with RED FANG and CLUTCH.

The Welsh progressive-power-sludge trio carry TAINT's torch forward, passed on from their legacy that began in 1994. With fresh chops and almighty riff power, HARK continue to fuse punk attack with Sabbathian dirge, and decorate post-whatever angularities with classic rock flourish. While Isaac's vocals expand on his tried and tested palette, his lyrics continue to shatter prose with bleak metaphor and acerbic spittle. Made of the former WHYTELEAF rhythm section Nikolai Ribnikov and Simon Bonwick, the HARK engine bring an OCD approach to song craft, and endlessly creative pummel. Their dynamic chops and blood lust for riffs meld with Isaac's honed and equally determined musical vision.

Regarding the recording of ‘Crystalline’, main man Jimbob Isaac stated: "Fingers to the bone. That has been one of our mottos since HARK's inception, and it carried us through to the recording studio. Long days, little sleep and grim determination made this record the beast that we believe it to be. We pushed ourselves in all kinds of ways, and that commitment resonates throughout. We're having fun biding our time, but there's only so long you can keep a bull in its pen."

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