Interviews: Griftegard, The 11th Hour, Planet Gemini, Obelyskkh, Omega Soul, Space Pilgrim, Process Of Guilt
Live: Saint Vitus, Hammer Of Doom 3, Low Frequency Assault VI, Dawn Of Doom III
Reviews: Aguirre, Andreas Brandal, Black Wreath, Black Shape Of Nexus, Bunkur, Candlemass, Centurions Ghost, Clagg, Cuerno, Destino/Entierro, Eggnogg, Et Moriemur, Excruciation, General Winter, Helevorn, HKY, Kodiak, Nadja, Las Cruces, Moloch, Mountain Witch, N, Orchid, (<Ö>), Planet Gemini, pg.lost, Radare, Revelation, Samsara Blues Experiment, Sardonis, Seamount, Selaxon Lutberg, Spirit Descent, Subinterior,Sunneater, Surtr, Tekhton, Ufesas, Unsilence, Versus The Stillborn-Minded, Wolfsduister, Wretched
Extra: "Vive la France" compilation feat. 36 bands!

front cover by Johan Jaccob Art Work
Featured bands: (<Ö>), Abysse, Aguirre, Ataraxie, Chère Catastrophe, Ciendepaille Doomsystem, Children Of Doom, Coffin On Tyres, De Silence et d'Ombre, Dismo, Eibon, Enterprise, Every Reason To..., Glowsun, Goat River, Granit 665, Habsyll, Hangman's Chair, Henryspenncer, HKY, Huata, Junkyard Birds, Lethian Dreams, Loading Data, Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel, Mars Red Sky, Moonlight Riders, Mother of Pearl, ÖfÖ Am, Rescue Rangers, Rising Dust, Surtr, The Bottle Doom Lazy Band, The Dying Seed, The Pledge Of Cain, Ufo Gestapo
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